Recent Industry Magazine Articles (authored, contributed, or cited) |
Future-proofing security: Protecting against the new arsenal of weaponized malware, Healthcare IT News, Dec 2017Answer to CEO’s sleepless nights: CISO, Becker's Hospital Review, Nov 2017
Analysis: What's in an FDA recall?, Healthcare IT News, Sept 2017
The game-changing path to an unprecedented pacemaker recall, Healthcare IT News Australia, Sept 2017
Risk of hacking leads to unprecedented pacemaker recall, Healthcare IT News Australia, Sept 2017
We still haven’t solved the health care cybersecurity problem, Axios, Aug 2017
Medical devices at greater risk from threatened hacker data dump, Healthcare IT News Australia, May 2017
WannaCry Malware and Medical Device Security, KnobbeMedical, May 2017
Patients kept in the dark about breaches to their medical records, Healthcare IT News Australia, May 2017
WannaCry highlights worst nightmare in medical device security, Healthcare IT News, May 2017
Vast majority of patients have no idea how vulnerable they are, OIA News, April 2017
Life support for public healthcare IT, Technology Decisions, Feb 2017
Insecure healthcare organisations don’t even know they’re being hacked, CSO Australia, Feb 2017
Bitcoins or we start executing patients, My Express, Nov 2016No Idea How Vulnerable They Are,, Nov 2016
Senior Cyborgs, Tech Republic, October 2016
헬스케어 산업 사이버 공격에 대처하는 우리의 자세^^ 시스코 코리아 블로그, May 2015Gov't offices big targets for cyber spying attempts, Vietnam, March 2015
Các nguy cơ mất an toàn dữ liệu: chiến lược và giải pháp, Security Daily, March 2015
Khai mạc Hội thảo - Triển lãm Quốc gia về An ninh Bảo mật 2015, VTV News, March 2015
Combating Cybercrime in the Healthcare Industry, Asian Hospital and Healthcare Management, 2015
Cut Your Security Risk, Molecular Imagaing, May 2014Healthcare And Cybersecurity, CSC World, Apr 2014
New Healthcare New Risks, CSC World Summer 2013How Hospitals Can Immunize Against Hackers, CSC World Winter 2013