The Maturity Paradigm

In healthcare we have an insatiable appetite to adopt new technology

Should we be worried

About state-sponsored attacks against hospitals?

Security and the Board Need to Speak the Same Language

How security leaders speak to thier C-Suite and Board can make all the difference

Who'd want to be a CISO?

Challenging job, but increasingly well paid

Medical Tourism - Growing in Popularity

Safe, fun, and much, MUCH more cost-effecitive

The Changing Face of the Security Leader

The role is changing, but what does the future hold?

Cyber Risk Insurance Won't Save Your Reputation

Be careful what you purchase and for what reason

The New Reality of Securing Healthcare

Securing healthcare has never been either easy or straight forward given the patient safety dynamic of the industry, but after nearly two years of dealing with the global COVID pandemic, that challenge is now a whole lot harder.

COVID19 caused a massive an immediate pivot across healthcare as patients consults were forced to go online via telehealth and telemedicine. At the same time non-clinical healthcare workers were sent away from hospitals to work from home. Combined this resulted in a significantly changed threat surface that cyber perpetrators were quick to exploit and take advantage of with a succession of ransomware and other extortion attacks and by nation-state sponsored theft of COVID clinical research and vaccine drug formulations.

Since the pandemic there has been a 600% increase in cyber attacks against healthcare entities and many have been knocked off-line for multiple weeks trying to recover from attack. This has resulted in some critical healthcare services not being available to some areas of the country at a very critical time in public health safety. It has also been a very unwelcome distraction to those caring for COVID infected patients and others with non-COVID related diseases seeking treatment.

Despite evidence to the contrary in the latest Healthcare Innovation Survey, many significant healthcare cyberattacks, go unreported or are down-played by CEOs wishing to minimize reputational and financial damage to the organizations they are in charge of. Many are paid based upon on the value of stock or other financial KPIs so this is hardly surprising and its likely that many providers have yet to discover that they have, were, or are still being attacked given the stealthy nature of APT attacks.

Join Hussein Syed, CISO at RWJBarnabus Health, Mark Hagland, Editor-in-Chief at Healthcare Innovation, and Richard Staynings, Chief Security Strategist at Cylera, as three veterans of healthcare security discuss the new reality of securing this industry and keeping patients safe.